Sunday, February 18, 2007

no work monday *yaY*

so tonight I'm chilling watching my east coast all-stars get ran out the gym. .kinda mad cuz E.Jordan (Wiz coach) is coaching the east starts hmmm...
Anyway no work tomorrow..

20 Feb- im developing a bad habit of starting a blog..saving it as draft and finishing it days later hence this joint been working on for like 2 days so let me finish my thoughts before this final product makes no sense to the outside world.

Friday- went to my girls 70s b-day jam. Had a fabulous time. Now i can reveal my costume; I went as member of the black panther party LOL. I got official Military BDU jacket from my co-worker, decorated it w/ some unique patches I won off ebay and the final product:

If you can't see the left patch is Marcus Garvey, right Malcom X.. Yes! My jacket is like dat and I tied for 1st place in the costume contest.
Sat- Woke up 3pm didn't get home till 3am..I was sick and slept most of the day away after getting sandwich from Potbellys and my brows arched.

Sunday- hung out w/ neice (29)...she forced me to go this Wedding Expo at Martins Crosswinds.. um she living w/ her man(no ring) and i can't get my own f-ing relationship in order which means neither one of us belonged up in that joint!! I was going to turn around and go home but she paid for me to get in ($12) they gave us big buttons that said: BRIDE... i put mines in my bag and kept moving. It was wild though.. one i didn't expect so many free samples of food and wedding cake yumm.. but everyone kept asking us which one of us was getting married. We rambled out lies and kept it moving. Leftys bridal has a fashion show which was off the chains LOL.. this gay guy was the MC so he kept sciing every dress like "ladies pay attention to detail.. yes.. lawd Fashion (big pause) at its better work girl..just cuz your cousin can knit a sweater doesn't mean she can make you a dress" LMAO the dresses were fly though but what i learned from the days events is that weddings are jive complicated!

Today I had my first interview.. via phone w/ a company that wants me to do security work at the Census Bureau in Suitland. The interview was cool the lady (a sista) actually used to work at my current agency so she digged everything I was spittin. The cool thing about this project is we would be implementing a security plan from scratch but its not Defense related so I'm not sure I want a civilian job. The best thing too is the joint is in Maryland right down the would hot not having to go to stinking VA erry day.

Tomorow I have a face to face interview.. which I'm up here now flat ironing my afro (left over from 70s jam).. and I should have just neatly re-twisted my hair I mean its not the 1930s anymore, bammas shouldn't be scared to meet a black lady w/ natural hair but no i got scared and I was like let me straighten this 'ish out make it look normal but its frustrating cuz my hair is SHORT and its kinda frazzled on the ends so the heat is not making it lay out straight basically I feel its a hot mess and its almost 1am and I'm still not DONE!!!
Kirking well.. imma finish this hair and blog again, end of the week w/ a Job update..

1 comment:

admin said...

I can't wait to hear how the interview went.

At first, we all blogged a lot, like daily. I'm trying to figure out where I found the time.