Next weekend my mom wants me to come home. One of these weekends I need to chill with my god-son before he forgets who I am. Weekdays fly by so I don't always have the energy to study but something has to give because I need to knock this cert out before my b-day (12/25 lol)... plus contractually my position is required to have this or Security+ by the end of the year. Its not like I'm going to be fired or anything if I don't acquire it but is more of a personal goal and will seriously fastrack me career wise. I do know that some jobs are cracking down on ppl getting a cert within 6 months of hire so its not a game out here forreal. They are going to be expecting folks to start jobs certified so that money doesn't come out the company's pockets.
Raw food detox going okay I'm on day 4- had a serious meltdown yesterday, headache and migraine/nausea this morning. Luckily we have an email support group so the lady told me its natural for my body to be kirkin out in response to the reduction in diet so she advise me to move my 1 cooked meal for dinner (Chiptole!!!) and make sure I'm doing plenty of healthy snacking so my body can get re-adjusted. As of right now the vegan lifestyle is not for me no way!! Starbucks latee with Soy Milk slums!
I'm kinda upset my turtle is sick :( i don't know if he's going through his pre-winter PMS or what but he straight up is acting different. Not eating alot sleeping all the time, plus his eyes are swollen which indicates he's not getting enough vitamin A or light/heat. So I don't know if the heater in his tank broke or this AC been too cool for him ( had to run it on those humid days). I took him out the tank already had some medicated drops from my old turtles (RIP). This lil baby is only 1.5 so Imma need him to be healthy. I will be making a Petco run this weekend, clean out his tank get some vitamins- don't laugh I can't take another dying turtle; I'll move to the fish world if it happens again :(
I'm through 100%done finished with NY&CO shirts and some pants. Honestly yo like I can't take it anymore ladies at work coming up to me:
"Hey girl did you get that (insert item) from NY&CO"
me- "yes"
"oooh I got the same
I CAN"T TAKE IT NO MORE!! Last example I got a new shirt wore it Tuesday, one girl told me she had the same shirt then today ina meeting a girl was wearing the shirt WTF
Like I love NY&CO for the tall pants but I'm done ordering shirts from there. I hate people having my clothes its hard enough as it is to be original out here.
Enuff kirkin have good weekend erryone and yes Go skins bout to be 4-1 out chea!!!!!
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